

Putting on new clothes, Xianyang Dongdayang for green package

2021-03-06 15:46:45

In order to respond to the national green environmental protection call, actively practice corporate social responsibility, Dongdayang always adhere to the green development of enterprises, adhere to the coordination of production and operation and environmental protection, committed to embark on a win-win road of ecological civilization and enterprise development. Recently, Xianyang Dongdayang Concrete Co., Ltd. completed the green encapsulation of concrete mixing plant.


After encapsulation, the mixing plant is a fully enclosed modern factory, which is more beautiful and atmospheric, and the plant planning is neat and reasonable, which is coordinated with the surrounding environment. After encapsulation, sand and gravel aggregates do not need to be stacked in the open air, which can better solve the problem of being affected by weather factors. To a certain extent, it can effectively inhibit the spread of dust, so that it can only be in a sealed space, while the closed environment can greatly reduce the production noise and realize the effective closure and control of pollution sources, so as to reduce the pollution to the atmosphere and achieve the purpose of protecting the environment.


General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed that "green water and green mountains are the silver mountain of gold", and that everyone is responsible for protecting the ecological environment on which we depend.Dongdayang Group will continue to uphold the concept of sustainable development, adhere to the drive of technological innovation, establish a green and healthy development concept, consciously fulfill the main responsibility of environmental protection, and strive to build an environmentally friendly, resource-saving enterprises, guarding the blue sky and white clouds, Dongdayang is always on the way!

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