

To welcome the 100th anniversary of the Party,Dongdayang Group Fuyong Station organized the '7-1' theme party day activities

2021-06-30 15:18:41

In order to welcome the 100th anniversary of the party, enhance the party education of party members and improve the party cultivation, on June 29, 2021 Shenzhen Dongdayang Cement Products Co., Ltd. organized a party activity with the theme of 7.1 (7·1). The meeting was hosted by activist and chief assistant of operation Wu Dan, our legal representative Chen Zongkun, general manager Ma Wuping and all party members attended the activity, and activists were present to participate.

Singing Red Songs Together

All of us stood up, led by Zhang Zhijun, secretary of the party branch and vice general manager, and sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no new China" with loud voice and high passion.


Listen to the party lesson together

The secretary of the party branch and vice general manager Zhang Zhijun led everyone to study "Revisit the history of the party, strengthen the belief of the party", the secretary also seriously analyzed the spirit of the times, historical background, etc., the participants were all attentive to listen, after the end of the secretary led the party members to recite the oath of party membership.


Learn the party rules together

Party Branch Secretary and Vice General Manager Zhang Zhijun led everyone to study the pamphlet together, declaring word by word the party constitution and rules and regulations in the pamphlet, especially emphasizing the party discipline, responsibility and mission to the activists.


Talk about the feeling together

Ma Wuping, general manager of the company, as an old party member, shared his feelings with everyone, from the background of the founding of the party to the establishment of new China, reform and opening up, the rapid development of the economy, the national resistance, the amazing achievements of the new China led by the Communist Party, highly praised the original intention and world mission of the Communists, and felt proud as a Communist Party member.


Let's talk about fighting the epidemic

General Manager Ma Wuping spoke about the current epidemic situation and the necessity of anti-epidemic. Party members are required to take the lead in vaccination, nucleic acid testing, fulfill the company's epidemic prevention measures, volunteer to participate in the organization of epidemic prevention activities in the community park, and take the lead in propagating the government's anti-epidemic policy.


Talking about party building together

The company's party branch secretary and vice general manager Zhang Zhijun and everyone talked about the future grassroots party building, the development of new party members, branch activities, and all party members in the branch spoke freely.


Go celebrate together

After the meeting, we went to the staff multi-functional restaurant to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the party, and continued the "7 1s" issue, and raised a cup of tea instead of wine to wish our party a red flag and red mountains. The Chinese nation, singing and dancing.


 To study the history of the Party is to never forget the original intention. From 1921 to 2021, the time spans a century, the Communist Party of China from the founding of the Party with only 50 members to the world's largest ruling party with more than 95 million members, from the small red boat in Jiaxing South Lake to the "China" wave-breaking giant ship, a century of history, wind and rain. We read and study the history of the Party, and draw the strength of our originality from the heroic martyrs. We were born under the red flag and grew up in the spring breeze, wishing our party a happy 100th birthday!

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